▎ 摘 要
Compounding CoP nanoparticles with graphene can serve as promising anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. However, the weak binding and dispersion between CoP and graphene usually lead to poor structural stability limiting the lithium storage performance. Herein, an amino-functionalization-assisted one pot self-assembly method is employed to synthesize CoP/nitrogen, phosphorus co-doped graphene com-posites (CoP/NPG) with a highly stable 3D porous structure. The negatively charged phytic acid can act as a bridging connection between the positively charged amino-functionalized graphene and Co2+ by strong elec-trostatic attraction, ensuring the synthesized CoP nanoparticles are uniformly distributed on NPG sheets with high conductivity and plenty of active centers. Meanwhile, establishing strong C-P and Co-O-C surface chemical bonds between CoP and NPG improves the structural strength and promotes fast electron/ion transport, which effectively alleviates the volume expansion of CoP. Benefiting from these advantages, the CoP/NPG electrode displays high lithium storage capacity (917.9 mAh g -1 at 0.5 A g -1 after 600 cycles), ultra-long cyclic stability (434.8 and 350.5 mAh g -1 at 3.0 and 5.0 A g -1 after 3000 cycles) and fast pseudocapacitive charge storage (contribution even up to 97% at 2.0 mV s -1). This strategy offers promising prospects for the preparation of highly stable anode materials.