▎ 摘 要
Enthralling evidence of the potential of graphene-based materials for neural tissue engineering is motivating the development of scaffolds using various structures related to graphene such as graphene oxide (GO) or its reduced form. Here, we investigated a strategy based on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) combined with a decellularized extracellular matrix from adipose tissue (adECM), which is still unexplored for neural repair and regeneration. Scaffolds containing up to 50 wt% rGO relative to adECM were prepared by thermally induced phase separation assisted by carbodiimide (EDC) crosslinking. Using partially reduced GO enables fine-tuning of the structural interaction between rGO and adECM. As the concentration of rGO increased, non-covalent bonding gradually prevailed over EDC-induced covalent conjugation with the adECM. Edge-to-edge aggregation of rGO favours adECM to act as a biomolecular physical crosslinker to rGO, leading to the softening of the scaffolds. The unique biochemistry of adECM allows neural stem cells to adhere and grow. Importantly, high rGO concentrations directly control cell fate by inducing the differentiation of both NE-4C cells and embryonic neural progenitor cells into neurons. Furthermore, primary astrocyte fate is also modulated as increasing rGO boosts the expression of reactivity markers while unaltering the expression of scar-forming ones.