▎ 摘 要
Collective near-field effects in perspective 2D materials containing semiconductor quantum emitters can be used to design novel devices for light manipulation on the nanoscale. The present paper considers an energy conversion from the pump laser field to the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on the base of the hybrid optoplasmonic multi-level scheme of near-resonant interaction with semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) placed in the proximity of a graphene surface. Using numerical simulations and semiclassical approach for the light-matter interaction, it is shown that maximum efficiency of SPP generation is achieved in strong coupling conditions for a stationary regime of SPP-QD interaction. Besides, the conditions for observation of SPP collective resonances in an ordered array of optically excited QDs placed above graphene are determined. Finally, the use of the constructive SPP interference regime in a meta-layer of QDs above graphene for efficient near-field amplification and subwavelength light concentration is proposed and discussed.