▎ 摘 要
Constructing highly active sites and simultaneously electrically conductive pathways is necessary to establish rapid oxygen reduced reaction (ORR) kinetics. Herein, hexamethylene tetramine as the bidentate ligand is utilized to chelate Fe ion and provide carbon and nitrogen source. During pyrolysis, Fe catalyzes the growth of N-doped few-layer graphene so that Fe2N nanoparticles are anchored on conductive framework due to strong Fe-N interaction. Benefiting from above merits, the Fe2N@NGs catalyst achieves a half-potential of 0.84 V (vs. RHE), long-term stability and robustness to methanol crossover effect compared to the Pt/C catalyst. Thus, synergistically combining ligand-metal framework and transition metal-catalyzed graphitization gives new insight into engineering transition-metal/heteroatom-doped-graphene hybrid catalysts.