▎ 摘 要
Microarrays play a determinant role in the detection and specification of biological molecules. The immobility of probe oligonucleotide with different sequences on the substrate surface is one of the main aims in designing of microarrays. In this regard, we select five different DNA single-strands to determine the best of probe single strand in the microarrays with a striped patterned double-layer graphene substrate. The results of the simulation illustrate that DNA single-strands on the substrate have distinct conformations related to each other. Thymine single strand has the maximum end to end distance and is more accessible for detecting target single strand in the microarrays. Also, the analysis of wettability results displays that the presence of a DNA single-strand in water drop decreases the amount of spreading of the droplets. Another important point is that the presence of a single strand increases the chance of water droplet pining on such surfaces.