▎ 摘 要
The tribological investigation was performed to seek the role of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) in enhancing the physico-tribological properties of mahua oil. The flashpoint, fire point, viscosity, wear preventive characteristics (WPC) and extreme pressure characteristics (EPC) were conducted following the governing standards. A substantial decrement of 17% in the coefficient of friction, 15.15% in wear scar diameter was observed upon blending the 0.25 wt.% GNPs with mahua oil. The WPC morphology on the steel balls portrayed the micro tracks. The EPC investigation presented 1 wt.% GNPs blended mahua oil with the augmented outcome of 7.7% and this was portrayed to be the best GNPs loading in weld load perspective. However, at 0.1 wt.% of GNPs loading was identified as the best loading with a wear point of view. The morphology of EPC revealed severe abrasion and steel balls were exposed to very high temperatures and have undergone metal squeeze out from the contact surface. This article also discusses the different wear regimes and corresponding wear phenomena in four-ball tribology testing with the aid of micrographs.