▎ 摘 要
Electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers at a lower-frequencyregion(2-8 GHz) require higher attenuation ability to achieve efficientabsorption. However, the impedance match condition and attenuationability are usually inversely related. Herein, one-dimensional hollowcarbon nanofibers with graphene nanorods are prepared based on coaxialelectrospinning technology. The morphology of graphene nanorods canbe controlled by the annealing process. As the annealing time increasedfrom 2 to 8 h, graphene nanospheres grew into graphene nanorods, whichwere catalyzed by Co catalysts derived from ZIF-67 nanoparticles.These nanorods can play the role of nano-antennas, which can guideEM waves into materials to enhance impedance match conditions. Asa result, the carbon nanofibers with graphene nanorods possess a largerimpedance match area with higher attenuation ability. The minimumreflection loss reaches -57.1 dB at a thickness of 4.6 mm,and the effective absorption bandwidth can cover almost both the Sand C bands (2.4-8 GHz). This work contributes a meaningfulperspective into the modulation of microwave absorption performancein the lower-frequency range.