▎ 摘 要
The theoretical description for the reflectivity properties of dielectric, metal, and semiconductor plates coated with graphene is developed in the framework of the Dirac model. Graphene is described by the polarization tensor allowing the analytic continuation to the real frequency axis. The plate materials are described by the frequency-dependent dielectric permittivities. The general formulas for the reflection coefficients and reflectivities of the graphene-coated plates, as well as their asymptotic expressions at high and lowfrequencies, are derived. The developed theory is applied to the graphene-coated dielectric (fused silica), metal (Au and Ni), and semiconductor (Si with various charge carrier concentrations) plates. In all these cases, the impact of graphene coating on the plate reflectivity properties is calculated over a wide frequency range. The obtained results can be used in many applications exploiting the graphene coatings, such as the optical detectors, transparent conductors, antireflection surfaces, etc.