▎ 摘 要
Realisation of field-effect transistors in graphene with an energy gap remains one of the major difficulties for graphene based electronics. One of the solutions to engineer bandgap in graphene is to convert graphene into a graphene nanomesh (GNM).We simulated double gate field-effect transistor with GNM as a channel material underneath an alumina passivation top gate stack, which directly contacts the GNM channel without an inserted buffer layer. With the presence of energy bandgaps, the electronic and transport properties of DG-GNMFET are notably improved, as demonstrated by reduced off-state leakage current, enhanced saturation current, and subthreshold slope. The GNM electrical parameters were extracted by using semi-empirical methods using atomistic tools and the device electrical performance was analysed using the drift-diffusion mode space model. With further advances in bandgap engineering, the GNM based devices may find applications in digital circuits.