▎ 摘 要
ZnO-nanostructured films were obtained by electrodeposition in the presence of varying content of graphene oxide (GO) in reduced (rGO) and non-reduced state. The hybridized ZnO nanostructures were studied by X-ray diffraction measurements, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy and transmittance measurements. The results showed the ZnO structure and morphology are markedly influenced by graphene state (GO/ rGO) and content. The photocatalytic tests indicated the ability of electrodeposited ZnO-nanostructured films to photodegrade methylene blue depends on the morphology and structure characteristics induced by both on oxygen content and sp2 recovery of carbon network in the rGO, upon a fine tuning of the rGO content in the deposited films. The obtained results demonstrate the electrodeposition as a viable approach for tuning the properties of ZnO complex structures for improved performance in various fields of application such as photocatalysis or optoelectronics.