▎ 摘 要
The shuttle effect and sluggish electrochemical conversion of polysulfides have been believed to strongly influence the performances of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries. Herein, we propose the synthesis of nanosized MoxC electrocatalysts embedded on N-doped graphene and develop its application for separator modification of Li-S batteries. The N-doped graphene provides a two-dimension conductive barrier layer to chemically adsorb polysulfides and inhibit polysulfides diffusion, while MoxC nano -particles could serve as the functional electrocatalyst to facilitate the redox kinetics of the multiphase conversion. The Li-S coin cells with MoxC@N-rGO-modified separator can exhibit good long-term cycling stability with a capacity decay of 0.069% per cycle after 400 cycles at 0.5C and excellent rate performance with a discharge capacity of 653 mAh/g at 4C. An area capacity of 4.5 mAh/cm(2) is also achieved with a high sulfur loading of 5.2 mg/cm(2) and a low electrolyte/sulfur ratio of similar to 5 mu L/mg. (c) 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.