▎ 摘 要
In this study we carried out first principle calculations for spin dependent electronic transport in our proposed spintronic device consisting of graphene nanoribbon as scattering region with cobalt electrodes and magnesium oxide as tunneling barrier. The I-V Characteristics are calculated by using Non-Equilibrium Green's Function formalism in combination with Semi-Empirical (SE) Extended Huckel Theory (EHT) using Atomistic Tool Kit software at room temperature. The high value of GMR (Giant Magnetoresistance) is recommended for spintronic devices. The results reveal that the device shows a very high GMR ratio of 5.16 x 10(4)%. The device also shows very low off state current, therefore negligible off state power consumption. The investigation of spin dependent non equilibrium transport is done by examining bias dependent transmission coefficients. Furthermore, some basic logic gates, like NOT, AND and NOR have been realized from the modeled device. The device may also find applications in data storage, magnetic field sensors etc. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.