▎ 摘 要
Thepurpose of this study is to explore the mechanism of interfacialdegradation of graphene-asphalt nanocomposites by oxidative agingand to explain the principle of reduced cracking resistance. In thisstudy, density functional theory (DFT), molecular dynamics (MD) simulation,atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy,and linear amplitude scanning test (LAS) were used to quantify theeffect of oxidative aging on the interfacial degradation of graphene-asphaltnanocomposites with different scales, and the coupling mechanism betweenscales was systematically analyzed. The results show that interfacialdegradation is a complex multiscale coupling behavior. Oxidative agingreduced the fatigue life (N ( f )) of graphene-asphalt nanocomposites by 8.6% due to a 63.9%reduction in shear barriers and a 14.2% reduction in energy barriersat the molecular interface. Furthermore, oxidative aging enhancedthe intermolecular interactions and compatibility of the graphene-asphaltmolecules. The interfacial interaction of aged graphene-asphalt nanocompositesis mainly van der Waals force. Graphene-aged aromatics and graphene-agedsaturates were the most compatible interfaces, and there was typicalbenzene ring stacking between graphene and aged aromatic 2. Aged aromaticsand aged saturates are the main promoters of interfacial strengthand stress transfer, while aged asphaltenes and aged resins sometimesplay a weakening role, as verified by the AFM. In addition, DFT calculationsshow that there is no chemical reaction between graphene and agedasphalt molecules, which is consistent with the FTIR results. Thisstudy provides a theoretical basis for the development of targetedantiaging and anticracking technologies for asphalt-based materials.