▎ 摘 要
We investigated results of light intensity on electrical characteristics of Au/Graphene Oxide (GO)/n-Si junction structures in dark and under different light intensities at 300 K (absolute temperature). Different electric and dielectric parameters of the prepared Au/GO/n-Si junction structure were analyzed from the current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and conductance-voltage (G/omega-V) measurements. The main electrical properties such as ideality factors n, zero-bias barrier heights phi(b) and series resistances R-S of Au/GO/n-Si junction structures obtained from different techniques in under dark and light intensities at 300 K using forward I-V measurements. The Au/GO/n-Si junction structure shows a not ideal behavior because of the interfacial layer, the interface states or the series resistance. The barrier height is decreased, while the ideality factor is increased with decreasing light intensities. Furthermore, the dielectric properties of Au/GO/n-type Si junction structures were obtained using C-V and G/omega-V characteristics in the frequency ranges 10-1000 kHz at 300 K. It is seen that the values of dielectric constant (epsilon '), dielectric loss (epsilon ''), and loss tangent (tan delta) decreases with increasing frequency while ac the electrical conductivity (sigma(ac)) increases with increasing frequencies.