▎ 摘 要
Linear conductance of junctions formed by graphene flakes with the order of the nanometer-thick electrodes attached at the corners of the flakes is studied. The explored structures have sizes up to 20 000 atoms and the conductance is studied as a function of applied gate voltage varied around the Fermi level. The finding, obtained computationally, is that junctions formed by armchair-edge flakes with the electrodes connected at the acute-angle corners block the electron transport while only junctions with such electrodes at the obtuse-angle corners tend to provide the high electrical conductance typical for metallic GNRs. The finding in the case of zig-zag edges is similar with the exception of a relatively narrow gate voltage interval in which each studied junction is highly conductive as mediated by the edge states. The contrast between the conductive and insulating setups is typically several orders of magnitude in terms of ratio of their conductances. The main results of the paper also remain to a large extent valid in the presence of edge disorder.