▎ 摘 要
Graphene oxide (GO) in various concentrations (0.04 wt.%, 0.1 wt.% and 0.3 wt.%) was dispersed into nematic liquid crystal (LC) 5CB and studied for electro-optical, dielectric and optical responses. The textural and phase transition studies were investigated by optical polarising microscopy in the nematic phase. The effect of GO concentration on the micro-texture, phase transition temperatures, birefringence, threshold voltage, contrast ratio, dielectric permittivity, dielectric loss and conductivity was also investigated. The nematic-isotropic transition temperature slight increases (3%) in the 0.04 wt.% and 0.1 wt.% GO dispersed 5CB composites as compared to 5CB. Threshold voltage decreases in the GO-5CB composites with the increase of GO concentration. Additionally, the effect of GO concentration on the optical absorbance of UV-visible light and energy bandgap is also considered. [GRAPHICS]