▎ 摘 要
The present investigations show a new trend, introducing the possibility of forming superconductor/conductor/superconductor Josephson junction-like structure using MgB2 as a model for the superconducting species and layered graphene for the conducting species. The MgB2/Graphene/MgB2 junction was synthesized in three steps, firstly MgB2 was synthesized by a conventional solid state reaction in a nitrogenated sealed tantalum ampoule. Secondly, a chemical vapor deposition (ICVD) technique was applied to deposit a few layers of graphene on the surfaces of two identical smoothly polished pellets of MgB2 with the same diameter and thickness. Thirdly, the two pellets with deposited graphene layers were formulated into one pellet using a hydrostatic compressor at 4 Ton cm(-2). The structural and nano-structural features of the resulting interference junction were investigated by Raman spectra, XRD, AFM/STM and SE-microscopy with EDX-analysis. It was concluded that the manufactured MgB2/Graphene/MgB2 junction was controlled by many parameters.