▎ 摘 要
Two-dimensional (2D) materials, which have attracted attention due to intriguing optical properties, form a promising building block in optical and photonic devices. This paper numerically investigates a tunable and anisotropic perfect absorber in a graphene-black phosphorus (BP) nanoblock array structure. The suggested structure exhibits polarization-dependent anisotropic absorption in the mid-infrared, with maximum absorption of 99.73% for x-polarization and 53.47% for y-polarization, as determined by finite-difference time-domain FDTD analysis. Moreover, geometrical parameters and graphene and BP doping amounts are possibly employed to tailor the absorption spectra of the structures. Hence, our results have the potential in the design of polarization-selective and tunable high-performance devices in the mid-infrared, such as polarizers, modulators, and photodetectors. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement