▎ 摘 要
We quantum mechanically analyze the fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene. This will be done by building the corresponding states in terms of a potential governing the interactions and discussing other issues. More precisely, we consider a system of particles in the presence of an external magnetic field and take into account of a specific interaction that captures the basic features of the Laughlin series nu = 1/2l + 1. We show that how its Laughlin potential can be generalized to deal with the composite fermions in graphene. To give a concrete example, we consider the SU(N) wavefunctions and give a realization of the composite fermion filling factor. All these results will be obtained by generalizing the mapping between the Pauli-Schrodinger and Dirac Hamiltonian's to the interacting particle case. Meantime by making use of a gauge transformation, we establish a relation between the free and interacting Dirac operators. This shows that the involved interaction can actually be generated from a singular gauge transformation.