▎ 摘 要
The defects created by scanning probe lithography (SPL) under ambient conditions in CVD grown graphene were investigated using atomic force microscopy, micro-Raman (mu-RS) and micro-X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (mu-XPS). Topographically, both protrusion and depression structures with distinguishable tribological properties were produced simultaneously. However, the key aspects of the spectroscopy were similar for the two topographies. mu-RS revealed that the ratio of the defect Raman peaks (I-D/I-D ') and the effective distance between defects (LD) had similar magnitude and dependence on the applied bias voltage. mu-XPS revealed no evidence of the generation of sp(3)-type defects. The small amplitude of the C-O peak and absence of C=O and C-OH peaks, suggested a complete absence of graphene oxide in the defect areas. Our results indicate that similar defects are present in both depressions and protrusions and suggest that a common active mechanism, namely bond reconstruction, is responsible for both structures. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.