▎ 摘 要
The graphene-metal contact is very important for optimizing the performance of graphene based electronic devices. However, it is difficult to probe the properties of the graphene/metal interface directly via transport measurements in traditional graphene lateral devices, because the dominated transport channel is graphene, not the interface. Here, we employ the Au/graphene/Au vertical and lateral hybrid structure to unveil the metal-graphene interface properties, where the transport is dominated by the charge carriers across the interface. The magnetoresistance (MR) of Au/monolayer graphene/Au and Au/stacked two-layered graphene/Au devices is measured and modulated by gate voltage, demonstrating that the interface is a device. The gate-tunable MR is identified from the graphene lying on the SiO2 substrate and underneath the top metal electrode. Our unique structures couple the in-plane and out-of-plane transport and display linear MR with small amplitude oscillations at low temperatures. Under a magnetic field, the electronic coupling between the graphene edge states and the electrode leads to the appearance of quantum oscillations. Our results not only provide a new pathway to explore the intrinsic transport mechanism at the graphene/metal interface but also open up new vistas of magnetoelectronics.