▎ 摘 要
The regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism by intestinal microorganisms is closely related to the occurrence of fatty liver. In order to explore the relationship between the distribution of intestinal flora and the occurrence of fatty liver, we extracted fecal DNA from normal people (group C) and patients with fatty liver (group D), sequenced the collected samples with graphene oxide (GO) nano-solid nanopore, and sequenced the V3 and V4 regions of 16S. After screening the sequencing data, all tag sequences of all samples were clustered according to operational taxonomic units (OTUs) using UPARSE 9 software. After determining abundance of OTUs and species annotation of the sequencing results, alpha diversity was analyzed based on an OTU abundance table. Krona (V2.6) 18 software displayed the results of species annotation in an interactive and visual way, and species distribution among groups was compared. The LEfSe method was used to analyze the differences of species distribution among components. After cluster analysis, the number of OTUs in the normal population was 512, the number of intestinal species in fatty liver patients was 541, of which 262 were common species. Alpha diversity analysis revealed reduced relative abundance in the fatty liver patients. The abundance of phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species in each group were compared. The abundance of Pachytene and Proteus increased abnormally and the relative abundance of Clostridium decreased. In addition, the abundance of Enterobacteriaceae in Enterobacteriaceae and Fusobacteria in Fusobacteria decreased. The relative abundance of Bacteroidea, Bacteroideae, and Lachnospiraceae increased. The results of species distribution analysis confirmed that the difference of Fusicantibacter distribution in Lachnospiraceae was significant. Functional analysis of the distribution of the flora revealed the principle role of the flora in fat metabolism. Therefore, it was concluded that Fusicantibacter was the dominant flora in patients with fatty liver, which promoted the formation of fatty liver by enhancing fat metabolism. The findings also demonstrated that GO nanopores can be used for DNA sequencing.