▎ 摘 要
Nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide is successfully synthesized and functionalized with hydroxylated copper ions via one-pot microwave-assisted route. The presence of cationic Cu coordinated to the graphene layer is fully elucidated through a set of experimental characterizations and theoretical calculations. Thanks to the presence of these hydroxyl-coordinated Cu2+ active sites, the proposed material shows good electrocatalytic performance for the oxygen reduction reaction, as evidenced by an electron transfer number of almost 4 and by high onset and half-wave potentials of 0.91V and 0.78V vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode, respectively. In addition, the N-doped Cu-functionalized graphene displays a superior current retention with respect to a commercial Pt/C catalyst during the stability test, implying its potential implementation in high-performance fuel cells and metal-air batteries.