▎ 摘 要
Graphene and polyaniline have been shown to have superior anti-corrosive properties due to barrier formation. As single-layer graphene is porous and, due to percolation, can also encourage corrosion; hence, an attempt has been made to cover the graphene layers with doped conducting polyaniline to further enhance anti-corrosion. Sodium zinc molybdate nanoparticle is used as the core material to get entrapped into graphene-polyaniline-based nanocontainer to achieve superior anti-corrosive property. Inexpensive methods are used to synthesize all materials to make this process as economic as possible. Nanocontainer synthesis has been done by a layer-by-layer technique. Few layered graphene sheets and polyaniline nanofibres have been successfully incorporated to entrap sodium zinc molybdate nanoparticles (280 nm) and tested for anti-corrosion application in epoxy-based systems for MS (mild steel) panels. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron Microscopy (TEM) images show flower-like morphology of sodium zinc molybdate nanoparticles, which have been synthesized by a novel method. Various characterisations like zeta potential, particle size, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) suggest the successful formation of nanocontainers, and EIS plots suggest good anti-corrosive behaviour of the resultant coatings. [GRAPHICS]