▎ 摘 要
Pitch based mixture as binder material is crucial component for structure stability and mechanical properties of carbon/graphite electrodes. In this work, coal tar pitch (CTP) mixture was modified by additions of graphene oxide (GO) precursor and fine TiB2 particles. It is found that 1 wt.%GO addition increases the crystallite size, L-a value and reduce the defects density of (002) planes in CTP mesophase and carbonization products with increased elastic modulus. The additions of 3 or 5 wt.%TiB2 increase the stacking height of (002) planes (L-c) of CTP pyrolysis and carbonization products with increased edge dislocation density and ultimate strain. The combined additions of TiB2 and GO generate a synergistic effect on further improving the mechanical properties of CTP carbonization products with increasing the stacking order of (002) plane, crystallite size (L-a and L-c) and edge dislocation density. CTP-1GO-5TiB(2) shows a compressive strength 194.7 MPa higher than the pure CTP (155.4 MPa). Further findings suggest that a combined mechanism of GO and TiB2 additions can be established through stabilizing C-C bonds while reducing C-O bonds along with chemical component transformations after pyrolysis and carbonization. TiB2 particles play a key role in making the synergistic effect on improving the mechanical strength and reducing the oxidation of C-C bonds with additional increase in L-a value.