▎ 摘 要
A straightforward novel synthetic approach of manganese ferrite encapsulated poly[3,4-(ethylenedioxy)thiophene] nanocomposite decorated on a graphene layer (NIPG) is engineered assisted by dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid as surfactant. NIPG is characterized by Raman, TG, SEM, EDX, AFM, TEM etc. The temperature-induced (50 to 300 K) I-V characteristics and conductivity are scrutinized for NIPG and the structure-property relationship for electrical transport is also demonstrated. Varying loading of manganese ferrite nanoparticle and graphene significantly improve the order of conductivity even in a low temperature regime due to development of charge carriers such as polaron, bipolaron etc. in the band structure. An anomalous 3D Mott variable range hopping mechanism provides a complete framework to comprehend transport in NIPG.