▎ 摘 要
We propose an ultraviolet perfect ultranarrow band absorber by coating a dielectric grating on the monolayer graphene-dielectric-metal structure. The absorber presents an ultranarrow Fano lineshape with quality (Q) factor of 70 and a nearly perfect absorption of over 99.9% in the ultraviolet region, which is ascribed to the near field coupling of the optical dissipation of graphene and guide mode resonance of the dielectric grating. Structure parameters to the influence of the performance are investigated. The structure exhibits the high optical sensitivity (S = 150 nm/RIU, S* = 48/RIU) and figure of merit (FOM = 50, FOM* = 25374) and can also be used to detect the nanoscale analyte layer of sub-nanometer thickness, suggesting great potential applications in ultra-compact efficient biosensors for a much more sensitive detection of small refractive index changes. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement