▎ 摘 要
We report that the sensitive temperature response and possible Conduction Mechanisms (CMs) of Au/graphene-PVP/n-Si type Schottky diodes (SDs) are investigated using the standard Thermionic Emission (TE) theory at low temperatures (LTs) and high temperatures (HTs). The obtained results indicate that the zero-apparent barrier height (phi(Bo)-phi(ap)) increases while the ideality factor (n), series and shunt resistances (R-s, R-sh), rectifying rate (at +/- 2V) and surface states (N-ss) decrease with increasing temperature. The phi(Bo), n and R-s values are also extracted from Cheung's functions and, then compared with those obtained TE theory. The conventional Richardson plot (ln(I-o/T-2)-q/kT) displays the deviation from the linearity at low-temperatures (T