▎ 摘 要
The response of a size-dependent randomly distributed graphene-platelet-reinforcedcomposite (GPLRC) plates, with an inclined part-through surface crack, resting on viscoelastic foundation under the action of periodic parametric excitation with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities are studied in the present study. The crack is centrally located at the center of the plate while inclined at an angle beta concerning the X-axis. The angled crack's mathematical formulation is based on a line-spring model. Indeed, the assumption of the problem is considered as the crack remains a continuous straight line. Nonlinearity is considered based on Berger's formulation and Von-Karman's geometric relations. Using classical plate theory, Eringen's theory, micromechanical models, and equilibrium equation, the governing equation of motion of the problem have been derived. Then the Galerkin method was applied to transform the partial differential equation into the ordinary one. Eventually, the solution procedure of the cubic-quadratic nonlinear equation was followed by the multiple-scale perturbation method. Steadystate response and nonlinear softening or hardening treatment of the problem have been presented. Significant results of the study can be emphasized as GPLs, crack's dimension and inclination, nonlocal parameter, damping, and detuning parameter effects on nonlinear behavior and stability of the structure. Dispersing GPLs as reinforcement material in the plate layer caused improvement in structural behavior, as the amplitude response of the system with the presence of a crack is decreased, comparing to a similar system without any reinforcement and crack. In the end, current work will help in the development of nonlinear behavior, stability analysis and critical bifurcation points of size-dependent cracked GPLRC plate exposed to external parametric loading.(c) 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.