▎ 摘 要
We investigate electronic transport through a graphene n-p junction in the quantum Hall effect regime at high perpendicular magnetic field, when the filling factors in the n-doped and p-doped regions are fixed to 2 and -2, respectively. We compute numerically the conductance G, the noise Q, and the Fano factor F of the junction when inelastic effects are included along the interface in a phenomenological way, by means of fictitious voltage probes. Using a scaling approach, we extract the system coherence length L-phi and describe the full crossover between the coherent limit (W << L-phi) and the incoherent limit (W >> L-phi), W being the interface length. While Gsaturates at the value e(2)/h in the incoherent regime, Q and F are found to vanish exponentially for large length W. Corrections due to disorder are also investigated. Our results are finally compared to available experimental data.