▎ 摘 要
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common types of neurodegenerative disorders. It is possible to identify AD early thanks to the measurement of specific biomarker levels. Owing to crucial roles of biomarkers in the AD, the detection of AD-related biomarkers may be suitable for predictive identification of AD. Biosensors is a novel tool that could be beneficial to appreciate recognition of several AD biomarkers as early as possible. Graphene and its derivatives containing graphene oxide (GO) and reduced-GO (rGO) can be good choice for biosensing approaches due to their unique properties. GO/rGO-based biosensors or nanosensors have been widely used for the determination of AD biomarkers. In this article, the general aspects of AD, its biomarkers, biosensors, and GO are overviewed. In addition, this review provides the current developments in the applica-tions of graphene-based biosensors for recognition of AD biomarkers. Future perspectives and challenges of graphene-based biosensing as a new approach for detection of AD are discussed in brief as well.