▎ 摘 要
We report in situ scanning tunneling microscopy studies of graphene growth on Pd(111) during ethylene deposition at temperatures between 723 and 1023 K. We observe the formation of monolayer graphene islands, 200-2000 angstrom in size, bounded by Pd surface steps. Surprisingly, the topographic image contrast from graphene islands reverses with tunneling bias, suggesting a semiconducting behavior. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements confirm that the graphene islands are semiconducting, with a band gap of 0.3 +/- 0.1 eV. On the basis of density functional theory calculations, we suggest that the opening of a band gap is due to the strong interaction between graphene and the Pd substrate. Our findings point to the possibility of preparing semiconducting graphene layers for future carbon-based nanoelectronic devices via direct deposition onto strongly interacting substrates.