▎ 摘 要
A passively Q-switched fiber laser using a Saturable Absorber (SA) fabricated from a new Poly (N-vinyl Carbazole) - Polypyrrole/Graphene Oxide (PNVC-PPy/GO) nanocomposite material deposited on a tapered fiber is proposed and demonstrated. The PNVC-PPy/GO composition is deposited along a 3 mm length of the 6.5 cm tapered fiber which has a tapered waist of 8 mu m. Q-switched pulses are obtained with repetition rates of 25.15-42.7 kHz and pulse widths of 5.74-2.48 mu s over a pump power range of 12.8-40.0 mW. A maximum average power of 0.19 mW and pulse energy of 4.43 nJ are also observed. The proposed Q-switched maintains advantages of a simple design and low fabrication cost while at the same time generating high quality Q-switched pulses. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.