▎ 摘 要
An intimate physical mixture of graphene oxide (GO) and semiconducting organic molecules like bromophenathrene (BrPh) and bromopyrene (BrPy) was prepared by using a ball milling technique. The structural, microstructural, physical and chemical properties of the mixtures (20 wt% of GO) were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, SEM, FT-IR, TGA and TCSPC studies. Furthermore, the electrochemical properties like AC electrical conductivity, transient photocurrent response (PCTR) and open circuit voltage (OCVD) of the samples were analyzed. It has been observed from TCSPC and OCVD measurements that 20 wt% of GO in the semiconductor composite leads to an enhanced life-time of photo-generated charge carriers. The physical mixture composites exhibit a higher photocurrent than pure BrPh and BrPy.