▎ 摘 要
The electrical properties of deformed graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are of considerable current research interest since GNRs have wide potential application in electronic and nanoelectromechanical devices. Examples include flexible carbon-based electrical conductors, soft actuators, and chemiresistive sensors. Although considerable experimental and computational research has investigated both zigzag and armchair GNR performance, general analytical descriptions of electromechanical coupling in GNRs are needed. Motivated by questions raised in published experimental research, the new modeling research presented here provides a general description of the combined effects of length and curvature on the current-voltage characteristics of 3M - 1 aGNRs. Consistent with experiment, the modeling results show that the total length and total rotation (along a circular arc) are orthogonal coordinates which determine the GNR resistance. The ratio of curved GNR current to flat GNR current, at the same length and voltage bias, is a linear function of the rotation over a wide operating range. The proposed model generalizes the well-known exponential decay law for the resistance of flat semiconducting nanowires and has direct application in the design of experiments and the conceptual design of new devices, including high-resolution displacement transducers, strain gauges, and nanoresonators.