▎ 摘 要
A method for the synthesis of millimeter-scaled graphene films on silicon carbide substrates at low temperatures (750 degrees C) is presented herein. Ni thin films were coated on a silicon carbide substrate and used to extract the substrate's carbon atoms under rapid heating. During the cooling stage, the carbon atoms precipitated on the free surface of the Ni and formed single-layer or few-layer graphene. The result shows that the number of graphene layers might be further controlled by appropriate process conditions. In contrast to the epitaxial graphene synthesis on single crystal silicon carbide, the graphene prepared here are continuous over the entire Ni-coated area, and can be stripped from the substrate much more easily for further characterization. The large-scaled, low temperature and transferable features of our method suggest the potential for future graphene-based applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.