▎ 摘 要
Graphene aerogel (GA), a continuous network constructed by graphene sheets, received tremendous research interests because of its fascinating properties inherited from graphene and continuous network as aerogel. GA with anisotropic structures can be prepared by simple hydrothermal reduction of liquid crystalline graphene oxide, and this ordered GA is a prior candidate to hybrid with polymers to make conductive composites. In this work, a new composite was fabricated by directly infiltrating ordered GA with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Benefit from the presence of GA continuous network, the insulative PDMS turned into electrical conductive composite after intercalated with GA. Furthermore, the conductivity of GA/PDMS composite was anisotropic as a consequence of the ordered microstructure of GA network. Due to the support of PDMS, the obtained composites can be easily fabricated and subsequently assembled into desired shape as LEGO modulars.