▎ 摘 要
The temperature effects of the tunable zero-Landau lever (LL) energy are studied using the LeeLow-Pines (LLP) variational and quantum statistical theory in the presence of a magnetic field B on monolayer graphene of different polar substrates. This zero-LL energy was induced by the surface optical phonon polaron in monolayer graphene on polar substrates. We found that zero-LL splitting energy can be tuned by controlling the polarization strength eta of the polar substrate, confinement strength parameter g, magnetic field B, and temperature T. The magnetic field has a negligible impact on the zero-LL splitting energy. And the temperature effect of zero-LL splitting energy of graphene substrates is further enhanced by Coulomb potential. The results obtained in the study provide new information about the fundamental properties of graphene on substrates at different temperatures T.