▎ 摘 要
Catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) are the key barriers in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). Despite tremendous efforts, developing ORR catalysts with high activity at low cost remains a great challenge. Here, iron (III) tetracumylphenoxy phthalocyanine micro/nanocomposite (FePc(CP)(4)) on graphene (FePc(CP)(4)/Gr) as a non-noble catalyst for ORR was prepared by solvothermally assisted pi-pi assembling method. The FePc(CP)(4)/Gr micro/nanocomposite was characterized by UV-vis spectrum, XPS, SEM and TEM. The electrocatalytic activity of the FePc(CP)(4) micro/nano composite for ORR was assessed using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) methods. The peak potential for ORR on FePc(CP)(4)/Gr composite catalyst was found to be around -0.195 V vs. SCE in 0.1 M NaOH solution, which was positive than Pt/C. Rotating disk electrode measurements (RDE) revealed that ORR mechanism was nearly via a 4e(-) pathway on the FePc(CP)(4)/Gr composite. The FePc(CP)(4)/Gr composite catalyst showed good stability, where the peak current density retained 95% of its initial value after repeated 100 cycles. Pt/C catalyst, on the other hand, only retained 82% of its initial current. The peak potential almost barely changed. When 3 M methanol was added, the peak potential shifted slightly and the current changed slightly. So the FePc(CP)(4)/Gr composite catalyst for ORR exhibited high-performance activity, good stability and excellent resistance to crossover-effect to methanol. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.