▎ 摘 要
Interfacing graphene with an antiferromagnetic insulator CrOCl enables the observation of strong interfacial coupling in the quantum Hall regime. The quantum Hall effect can be substantially affected by interfacial coupling between the host two-dimensional electron gases and the substrate, and has been predicted to give rise to exotic topological states. Yet the understanding of the underlying physics and the controllable engineering of this interaction remains challenging. Here we demonstrate the observation of an unusual quantum Hall effect, which differs markedly from that of the known picture, in graphene samples in contact with an antiferromagnetic insulator CrOCl equipped with dual gates. Two distinct quantum Hall phases are developed, with the Landau levels in monolayer graphene remaining intact at the conventional phase, but largely distorted for the interfacial-coupling phase. The latter quantum Hall phase is even present close to the absence of a magnetic field, with the consequential Landau quantization following a parabolic relation between the displacement field and the magnetic field. This characteristic prevails up to 100 K in a wide effective doping range from 0 to 10(13) cm(-2).