▎ 摘 要
Optically transparent microwave absorbing metasurfaces have shown great potential and are needed in multiple applications environments containing optical windows owing to their ability to reduce backscattering electro-magnetic (EM) signals while keeping continuous optical observation. Meanwhile, they are also required to have adaptive EM manipulation capability to cope with complex and capricious EM environments. As a general ap-proach, distributed circuit components, including positive-intrinsic-negative diodes and varactors and sensing components, are integrated with passive absorbing metasurfaces to realize adaptive control of microwave absorp-tion. However, these circuit elements generally require bulky electrical wires and complex control circuits to regulate the operating state, resulting in the absorbing structures being optically opaque. Hence, it is a great challenge to realize self-operating absorbers while maintaining optical transparency. Here, we report an optically transparent cognitive metasurface made of patterned graphene sandwich structures and a radio frequency detec-tor, which can achieve adaptive frequency manipulation to match incident EM waves. As a proof-of-principle application example, we realize a closed-loop automatic absorber system prototype of the proposed graphene metasurface with self-adaptive frequency variation, without any human intervention. The approach may facilitate other adaptive metadevices in microwave regime with high-level recognition and manipulation and, more generally, promote the development of intelligent stealth technologies. (c) 2022 Chinese Laser Press