▎ 摘 要
The electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol is studied on the non-noble catalysts Ni-Co/graphene and Ni/graphene supported on glass carbon electrode (GCE) in alkaline medium. The synthesized materials are characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The elements of Ni-Co/graphene and Ni/graphene catalysts are characterized using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The electrocatalytic properties of Ni-Co/graphene and Ni/graphene for ethanol oxidation are investigated by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and Tafel plot. Compared with Ni/graphene catalyst, Ni-Co/graphene has the higher electroactivity and better stability for ethanol oxidation. The rate constant (k (s)) and charge-transfer coefficient (alpha) are calculated for the electron exchange reaction of the modified GCE. The results indicate that Co addition could promote the oxidation reaction at the Ni/graphene catalyst. Our study demonstrates that the low-cost electrocatalyst Ni-Co/graphene has a great potential for real direct ethanol fuel cells' application.