▎ 摘 要
In this study, we report a potentially scalable strategy for the cost/time-efficient production of water-soluble functionalized few layered graphene (FcG) through the mild defluorination of graphite fluoride (GF) at room temperature (RT). The strategy includes mechanical milling which is of high simplicity and operability, and subsequently water purification. By using heteroatom-containing alkaline such as NaNH2 and Na2S, N or S dopants can be functionalized into the defluorinated graphene, leading to the formation of N- and S-doped FcG, respectively. Our methodology of defluorination of GF allows the fabrication of water soluble FcG in much safer ways relative to the conventional Hummers' method that involves strong acidic/oxidative ambience and disposal of large amount of salt wastes. Meanwhile, the abundance of GF and the simplicity of processibility may also facilitate the practical uses of FcG obtained via our methodology. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.