▎ 摘 要
We report, for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, a femtosecond mode-locked Fe:ZnSe laser. Passive mode locking is implemented using graphene as a saturable absorber. The laser operates at 4.4 mu m with a repetition frequency of 100 MHz and 415 mW output power pumped by a fiber 7 W Er:ZBLAN laser. The pulse duration of about 732 fs is retrieved from the first-order autocorrelation function. Additionally, we observe pulsed nanosecond oscillation under continuous-wave pumping and strong amplitude modulation caused by Kerr self-focusing. This Letter fills the gap in operating regimes of Fe:ZnSe lasers and paves the way for the development of powerful ultrafast high-repetition-rate mid-IR sources for the most advanced fields of science. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America