▎ 摘 要
A family of highly sensitive devices based on a graphene nanobridge and superconducting electrodes has been developed, manufactured, and examined. These devices can be used to create a graphene-based integral receiver. A cold-electron bolometer prototype with superconductor-insulator-normal metal tunnel junctions has been studied. Its response to a change in the temperature and external microwave radiation has been measured. A superconducting quantum interferometer with a graphene strip as a weak coupling between superconducting electrodes has been examined. The corresponding modulation of the voltage by a magnetic field at a given current has been measured. The effect of the gate voltage on the resistance of graphene has been analyzed for these samples. To confirm that graphene is single-layer, measurements with the reference samples were performed in high magnetic fields, displaying the half-integer quantum Hall effect. DOI: 10.1134/S0021364011160193