▎ 摘 要
The structure of catalyst containing Ni nanoparticles (NPs) supported over carbon nanofibers/few layer graphene (CNFs/FLG) was tailored via modification of chemical vapor deposition parameters in view of methanation of CO2 under induction heating mode (IH). High edges-to- graphitic plane ratio in the support achieved due to the specific herringbone morphology of CNFs allowed to get high CO2 conversion of 85 % at relatively low temperature (360 degrees C) at very low Ni loading of only 10 %. A design of catalyst included also the use of FLG known for high temperature conductivity and by occasion serving as a support to grow CNFs. The performances of certain catalysts are also tested under "standard" Joule heating in order to check the role of the magnetic and conductive carbon support. The morphology, chemical composition and SAR measurements of the catalysts and carbon supports themselves are addressed and their structure-catalytic performances are discussed.