▎ 摘 要
Graphene supports both transverse magnetic and electric modes of surface polaritons due to the intraband and inter -band transition properties of electrical conductivity. Here, we reveal that perfect excitation and attenuation-free prop-agation of surface polaritons on graphene can be achieved under the condition of optical admittance matching. With both vanished forward and backward far-field radiation, incident photons are fully coupled to surface polaritons. This requires an exact match between the admittance differ-ence of sandwiching media and the conductivity of graphene, resulting in no decay of propagating surface polaritons. The dispersion relation has a completely different line shape for structures that support compared to those that do not sup-port admittance matching. This work promotes complete comprehension of the excitation and propagation behaviors of graphene surface polaritons and may further inspire ideas for research on surface waves on two-dimensional materials.(c) 2023 Optica Publishing Group