▎ 摘 要
Nonlinear panel flutter and post-flutter behavior of wing-like, taper, and skew plates made of functionally graded (FG) multilayered graphene platelet-reinforced polymer composite (GPL-RPC) are investigated in this study. Using two types of geometrical non-uniformity, skew and taper, the flutter boundary, limit cycle oscillations, and bifurcation plots of functionally graded GPL-RPC plates are reported. The graphene platelet (GPL) nanofillers are assumed to be dispersed uniformly or non-uniformly in the matrix and in the thickness direction. All GPL distribution patterns of UD, FG-O, FG-X, and FG-A are considered. The modified Halpin-Tsai micro-mechanical model and the rule of mixture are utilized to determine the effective material characteristics of GPL-RPC layers. In order to obtain the nonlinear mathematical model for the non-uniform plates, Von-Karman kinematic strains descriptions are used along with the virtual work principle and Hamilton's expression. To generalize the structural model, a first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is used. The well-recognized first-order piston theory is also utilized to account for the aerodynamic loading description. In the end, governing differential equations of motion are projected to their equivalent algebraic representation by means of the generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM), which is then followed by a time integration using the Newmark's average acceleration scheme. The goal of current research is to find how the GPL weight fraction affects the flutter instability margins and post-flutter behavior for FG GPL-RPC cantilevered plates at several proposed distribution patterns.