▎ 摘 要
Graphite oxide was synthesized with Staudenmaier method using natural flake graphite as carbon source. After graphite oxide was impregnated into ammonium carbonate saturated solution, NH4+ intercalated graphite oxide was given. Rapid thermal exfoliation and reduction of NH4+ intercalated graphite oxide to graphene was achieved as well as the nitrogen-doping of graphene under the condition of microwave irradiation. SEM, TEM, EDS, XRD, XPS and Raman were performed to characterize the synthesized nitrogen-doping of graphene. The synthesized nitrogen-doped graphene was transparent and wrinkled with 2-5 graphite layers. The nitrogen content of as-prepared nitrogen-doped graphene was 1.56wt%, corresponding to pyridinc N, pyrrolic N and graphitic N incorporated into the graphitic network.