▎ 摘 要
Non-covalent hybrid materials based on graphene and A(3)-type copper corrole complexes were computationally investigated. The corroles complexes contain strong electron-withdrawing fluorinated substituents at the meso positions. Our results show that the non-innocent character of corrole moiety modulates the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties once the hybrid systems are held. The graphene-corrole hybrids displayed outstanding stability via the interplay of dispersion and electrostatic driving forces, while graphene act as an electron reservoir. The hybrid structures exposed an intriguing magneto-chemical performance, compared to the isolated counterparts, that evidenced how structural and electronic effects contributed to the magnetic response for both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic cases. Directional spin polarization and spin transfer from the corrole to the graphene surface participate in the amplification. Finally, there are relations between the spin transfer, the magnetic response, and the copper distorted ligand field, offering exciting hints about modulating the magnetic response. Therefore, this work shows that copper corroles emerged as versatile building blocks for graphene hybrid materials, especially in applications requiring a magnetic response.